Frequently Asked Questions

Superstar Racing

  • What is Superstar Racing?

    Superstar Racing is a massively multiplayer online racing game. Race against thousands of other people, make friends and become a rich and famous racer.

  • What are Credits and Team Funds?

    Credits can be used in the game shops to buy items for your character or to create a team. Team Funds can be used to buy new parts for your car.

  • What are Achievements?

    Achievements are prizes you get for accomplishing a wide variety of things. Some are racing related while others you can complete in the paddock area.

  • How do I get more boost?

    You can get more boost by driving close behind another car. The faster your speed is the more boost you get.

  • What does "Skill" mean?

    Skill is what you get when you place better than other players in a race and even more if your initial Skill is lower than their's. Likewise, if you lose to players with lower Skill, you will lose some Skill Points.

  • The game is running slowly?
      You can try these procedures to speed up the game:
    • Close other programs that are running.
    • Update your system drivers (graphics card etc.).
    • Lower the graphics quality in Main Menu/Options.

VIP Membership and payments

  • Does it cost to play Superstar Racing?

    Superstar Racing is free to play, but to get the full experience you have to buy 1, 6 or 12 month subscription to get your VIP Membership or CR$ from Superstar Racing Shop.

    Buy VIP Membership
    Buy CR$

  • What is the Superstar Racing Shop?

    In the Superstar Racing Shop you can buy a subscription (VIP Membership) or CR$ easily and securely using many different payment options.

    Buy VIP Membership
    Buy CR$

  • Is it secure to pay online?

    It is safe and secure. All our transactions are handled by Global Collect (TM). After you have chosen the subscription length you will be redirected to the secure Global Collect(TM) payment site.

  • What is CR$?

    CR$ (Chat Republic Dollar) is a micro currency that can be used in the game to make purchases. Buy CR$ in the Superstar Racing Shop.

  • Which payment methods are available?

    Available subscription methods will depend on the country you live in. Subscriptions are usually possible with at least credit cards, Pay Pal and prepaid cards. SMS and phone payments are available in some countries.

  • How long will it take to process my payment?

    Processing of your payment may take some time.

    If you used a credit card, SMS or Phone Payment your VIP membership should be activated in a few minutes, remember to logout and login for all the benefits to take effect.

    Other payment methods will take longer to register. Depending on the payment method, processing of the payment may take 3-7 banking days.

    Incorrect or incomplete reference numbers can delay or even abort payment.

    VIP membership will become active after we have received confirmation of payment from Global Collect(TM) who handles the transactions.

  • Why does it say "Not authorized" after I tried to pay with my credit card?

    Your credit card transaction has been challenged or denied by Global Collect's fraud screening. When making a credit card transaction, please pay attention to the following details:

    • Make sure you type your credit card number without spaces (i.e.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is OK, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is NOT OK)
    • Your selected country is the same as your credit card issuing country.
    • You are making this payment from the country you selected.
    • If your payment fails, you may try again but do not try more than 3 transactions per day.

    If your credit card does not seem to work you should also consider other available payment methods.

  • What is recurring payment?

    Recurring payment is a continuous payment method where your subscription will be automatically renewed each month until cancelled.

    Your credit card will also be automatically charged without prior notice each month. You will receive a confirmation email when the new one month period has started.

  • How can I cancel recurring payment?

    You can easily cancel your recurring subscription by entering the game. Once logged in, Go to Main Menu -> My Account, then click red "Cancel Subscription" button. This will cancel your recurring subscription and your VIP membership will end after the currently paid one month period is over.

  • When will you activate my VIP membership?

    VIP membership will become active after we have received confirmation of payment from Global Collect(TM) who handle the transaction.

  • How can I continue my subscription?

    You can prolong your subscription time by buying subscription. New subscription period will be added to you current remaining subscription. Go to Superstar Racing Shop.

  • I have problems with buying subscriptions or CR$, what should I do?

    Read all instructions carefully and try again, but do not try more than three times per day. If you are still not able to make a purchase, please send us email to following address:
    [email protected]


  • How to see status of my Superstar Racing account?

    In game go to Main Menu and click My Account.

  • How to change my email address?

    In game go to Main Menu and click My Account. Replace your old email address with your new email address in "email"-text field, type in you current password and press "OK" when done.

    Afterwards you will receive confirmation in email that your email has been changed. Next time you login, you have to use your new email.

  • How to change my password?

    In game go to Main Menu and click My Account. Type your old password and your new password and press "OK" when done.

    Afterwards you will receive confirmation that your password has been changed. Next time you login, you have to use your new password.

  • I have forgotten my password?

    You can have your password reset and sent to the email address you have specified when you registered an account (or later changed it). To do this, in the login screen enter your email address and then click "forgot password".

  • My new password doesn't work, what should I do?

    There may be some reasons why your new password doesn't work:

    • New password is case sensitive, meaning that you have to use capital letters if they appear in the password.
    • You have incorrect email address.
    • You have been banned.
  • I have been banned from the game, what should I do?

    Once you have been banned, you have been sent an email telling you when the ban will end. If you have doubts what the rules are, you can read them at the Superstar Racing website.


  • I cannot chat with other players.

    Some players are not able to have a free chat for following reasons:

    • If you are Guest player, you have to sign up to Superstar Racing before you are able to use free chat.
    • If you are less than 13 years old. We have decided certain guidelines concerning children less than 13 years of age. One is to protect them from any harmful language or any attempts of verbal or other abuse in our games. For these reasons children less than 13 years of age are not allowed to use or see free chat.

Contact Us

  • If you don't have VIP Membership
    • Please use FAQ or ask from other players in Superstar Racing Forum to find answers to your questions.
    • If you can't find answers from FAQ or from your fellow players, please email your concerns to [email protected]. NOTE: answering to your questions will take couple of days.

    • NOTE: Add your Player Name and your Login Email Address! If you don't provide this information your request will be automatically ignored!
    • NOTA: Adicione o seu jogador e seu Nome e-mail de login! Se não nos fornecer estas informações o seu pedido será automaticamente ignorado!
    • HINWEIS: Fügen Sie Ihren Player Namen und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse anmelden! Wenn Sie nicht, uns diese Informationen Ihre Anfrage wird automatisch ignoriert!
  • If you have VIP Membership
    • Please send email to [email protected]. All VIP Members will be provided service as soon as possible.

    • NOTE: Add your Player Name and your Login Email Address! If you don't provide this information your request will be automatically ignored!
    • NOTA: Adicione o seu jogador e seu Nome e-mail de login! Se não nos fornecer estas informações o seu pedido será automaticamente ignorado!
    • HINWEIS: Fügen Sie Ihren Player Namen und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse anmelden! Wenn Sie nicht, uns diese Informationen Ihre Anfrage wird automatisch ignoriert!
  • If you have problems with buying VIP Membership or CR$
    • Please email to [email protected]. We will answer you as soon as possible.

    • NOTE: Add your Player Name and your Login Email Address! If you don't provide this information your request will be automatically ignored!
    • NOTA: Adicione o seu jogador e seu Nome e-mail de login! Se não nos fornecer estas informações o seu pedido será automaticamente ignorado!
    • HINWEIS: Fügen Sie Ihren Player Namen und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse anmelden! Wenn Sie nicht, uns diese Informationen Ihre Anfrage wird automatisch ignoriert!